JPTS University Cut-Off Marks for all Courses [year]/[nyear]

JPTS University Cut-Off Marks: Are you searching for a reputable online university that offers excellent education in various fields? If you’re interested in studying oil and gas, engineering, safety and environment, ICT and software, or management, JPTS University might be the perfect option for you. However, before you make a decision, it’s essential to know about the JPTS University Cut-Off Marks.

JPTS University is a renowned private online institution, accredited by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Education and numerous international bodies. The university’s array of courses and programs are tailored to arm you with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the global market.

Overview of JPTS University Cut-Off Marks

To increase your chances of being admitted to JPTS University, it is important to be aware of the cut-off marks for every course and program. These marks represent the minimum scores you need to achieve in the entrance examination to be considered eligible for admission. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about JPTS University cut-off marks, including how they are determined and the cut-off marks for the year [year].

Does JPTS use JAMB?

Unlike many institutions, JPTS does not use JAMB as an admission requirement. JPTS’s professional qualifications are widely acknowledged for job placement opportunities and are accepted by several international institutes for credit transfer or entry qualification into their programs. As such, JPTS’s admission process relies on its criteria and standards, not on JAMB.

How are Cut-Off Marks Determined?

Cut-off marks are determined by several factors, including the number of applicants, available slots, the entrance examination’s difficulty level, candidates’ performance, and the course or program’s demand. These marks may fluctuate annually based on these factors. The university typically announces the cut-off marks after the release of the entrance examination results.

What Are the Current Cut-Off Marks for JPTS University Courses and Programs?

The current cut-off marks for the courses and programs offered by JPTS University for the [year]/[nyear] academic year are as follows:

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Course/Program Cut-Off Mark
Refinery Operations and Management 60%
Drilling and Offshore Operations Certification 60%
Petroleum Product Marketing 50%
Oil and Gas Specialist Course 50%
Pipeline & Petroleum Logistics 55%
Shipping and Petroleum Management 55%
Deport and Terminal Managers Course 60%
Maintenance & Corrosion Technology Course 55%
Facility Management and Maintenance Certificate 55%
Electrical Installation and Industrial Wiring 60%
Pipeline & Vessel Welding 60%
Auto Mechatronics Engineering 60%
HVAC 60%
Crane Operations & Maintenance 60%
Forklift Operations 50%
Industrial Plumbing & Pipefittings 60%
Industrial Scaffolding 60%
Building Technology 60%
Instrumentation and Control Certification 60%
Onshore Offshore HSE (Level II) Certification 50%
HSE (Level II) Supervision Certification 50%
Corporate Safety Certification 50%
Fire Safety Certification 50%
Environmental Impact Assessment Certification 50%
Project Management Professional Certification 50%
Human Resource Management Certification 50%
Business Administration Certification 50%
Accounting and Finance Certification 50%
Marketing and Sales Certification 50%
Customer Service Certification 50%
Web Design and Development Certification 50%
Graphic Design Certification 50%
Software Engineering Certification 60%
Data Science Certification 60%
Cybersecurity Certification 60%
Artificial Intelligence Certification 60%
Blockchain Certification 60%
Cloud Computing Certification 60%
Internet of Things Certification 60%


What if I Score above JPTS University Cut-Off Marks

Congratulations if your score surpasses the cut-off mark for your chosen course at JPTS University! This puts you in a strong position for admission. However, remember that a high score doesn’t automatically secure your place. The university also takes into account other aspects such as your academic history, personal statement, and references. So, make sure you’re well-prepared for the admission interview and submit all necessary documents promptly.

What if I Score Below JPTS University Cut-Off Marks

If you didn’t meet the required score for your desired course, don’t worry. There’s still a chance to get admitted to JPTS University, depending on availability and competition. You can try applying for a different course with a lower required score or take the entrance exam again in the next session.


This article intends to offer valuable insights into the JPTS University cut-off marks for the academic year [year]. We invite you to share any queries or thoughts you may have in the comments section. We wish you the best of luck in your admission journey. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. To learn more, please visit the official JPTS University website. more, please visit the official JPTS University website.